Connecting 1ShoppingCart to Summit Evergreen is fairly straightforward. This document will guide you through the steps of setting up the system.
To connect 1ShoppingCart and Summit Evergreen, you will need to:
Purchasing Products
Each Course needs to be set up as a separate product within 1ShoppingCart, with the SKU field set to the same SKU as the Course in Summit Evergreen. The SKU of the product is passed to Summit Evergreen at purchase time, and provides the glue between the two systems.
You can find your Course’s SKU in Summit Evergreen on the “Products” - “Courses” page. You only need to use the Course SKU (the bold text), not the Offer Sku. Pricing and payments will be connected automatically.
Setting up 1Shoppingcart for connecting to Summit Evergreen
Payment information is sent to Summit Evergreen whenever a credit card is charged. This occurs through the use of the "When an autocharge attempt is made" Billing Action in the E-Commerce section.
Replace WEBHOOK_KEY with your Account’s webhook_key. You can find this URL in your Summit Evergreen Account settings. This calls a webhook to Summit Evergreen which sends the contactId and triggers syncing the purchases for the user.
Setting up the Order Forms For Registration
Summit Evergreen integrates with both the 1ShoppingCart 1 Step Check out as well as the 2 Step Check out. This allows you to send purchasing users to your Summit Course for registration, and have them start using the product right away.
Connecting InfusionSoft to Summit Evergreen is fairly straightforward. This document will guide you through the steps of setting up the system.
To connect InfusionSoft and Summit Evergreen, you will need to:
Purchasing Products
Each Course needs to be set up as a separate product within InfusionSoft, with the SKU field set to the same SKU as the Course in Summit Evergreen. The SKU of the product is passed to Summit Evergreen at purchase time, and provides the glue between the two systems.
You can find your Course’s SKU in Summit Evergreen on the “Products” “Courses” page. You only need to use the Course SKU (the bold text), not the Offer Sku. Pricing and payments will be connected automatically.
Setting up InfusionSoft for connecting to Summit Evergreen
Payment information is sent to Summit Evergreen whenever a credit card is charged. This occurs through the use of the "When an autocharge attempt is made" Billing Action in the E-Commerce section.
Replace WEBHOOK_KEY with your Account’s webhook_key. You can find this URL in your Summit Evergreen Account settings. This calls a webhook to Summit Evergreen which sends the contactId and triggers syncing the purchases for the user.
Setting up the Order Forms For Registration
Summit Evergreen integrates with both the InfusionSoft Shopping Cart as well as the single Order Forms. This allows you to send purchasing users to your Summit Course for registration, and have them start using the product right away.
Setting Up Refunds
Due to the fact that InfusionSoft does not give callbacks when a refund or other non-billing action occurs, refund actions must be performed separately in InfusionSoft.
Set up your Person Note
After refunding a user’s purchase, go to the contact's main screen, and click on the "Person Notes" tab. From there, go to the "Notes" section, choose "Summit Evergreen Refund" from the dropdown, and then click "Add" this will attach a "Refunded" note to the user in addition to making an HTTP call to Summit Evergreen, signalling that the system should sync all refunds.
Setting Up Manual Account Syncing
There are some times when you may need to manually add purchases to users in InfusionSoft. In order to make these changes visible in Summit Evergreen, you need an additional “Person Note” to trigger the system synchronization, much like with refunds.
Set up your Person Note
Getting in touch with people who don’t complete registration
While the Summit Registration process is very simple, it is inevitable that some people will close their browser, or for some other reason not be able to complete registration. In order to solve this issue, users who have not completed registration can be sent to a special link in order to re-register for the course.
Any user who has not registered can access the system at: http://EXAMPLE.COM/users/register/USER_EMAIL
And will continue with the registration process as if they had just come from your thankyou page.
Configuring Paypal and InfusionSoft
NOTE Due to how InfusionSoft processes payments from paypal, there may be some issues syncing new purchases. Check out The PayPal & InfusionSoft Integration notes.
InfusionSoft supports the use of ActionSets for commands (such as the Summit Evergreen webhook) that you often use.
We recommend creating two ActionSets: * One for syncing all new of the student's purchases * One for processing any refunds the student might have
Now instead of adding the HTTP post URL to each trigger or sync note detailed in the Infusion Soft Integration you can simple choose "Run Another Action Set" from the Action menu, and select either the Summit Purchase or Refund Sync.
Depending on your InfusionSoft configuration, InfusionSoft may not recognize a PayPal purchase as a "Successful Charge." If you are using PayPal checkout on your InfusionSoft order forms, please add the following Billing Action:
Configuring your Stripe Account and Summit Evergreen
Connecting Stripe to Summit Evergreen is very simple. This document will guide you through the steps of setting up the system.
Connecting your Stripe account to Summit Evergreen will allow you to take payments for your products from your Stripe account and pass users through to Summit Evergreen.
To connect Stripe and Summit Evergreen, you will need to:
Setting up Stripe for connecting to Summit Evergreen
Access your shopping cart links
Connecting Mailchimp to Summit Evergreen is fairly straightforward. This document will guide you through the steps of setting up the system.
Connecting your Mailchimp account to Summit Evergreen will allow you to add users to a specified list when they sign up for a course.
To connect Mailchimp and Summit Evergreen, you will need to:
Setting up Mailchimp for connecting to Summit Evergreen
Create a new API key within Mailchimp
Add the API key to Summit Evergreen
Configure the Course to send notifications to your Mailchimp account
And, you’re done!
Connecting Aweber to Summit Evergreen is fairly straightforward. This document will guide you through the steps of setting up the system.
Connecting your Aweber account to Summit Evergreen will allow you to add users to a specified list when they sign up for a course. Please note due to limitations with Aweber, all users added in this way will receive a “confirm your email” notification in their inbox.
To connect Aweber and Summit Evergreen, you will need to:
Setting up Aweber for connecting to Summit Evergreen
Add the email email parser to your Aweber account
Enter the following information:
Description: Summit Evergreen Parser
Trigger Rule: From:[^\n|.]+crmtagging\
Decode HTML Entities: No
Rule 1: Leave as Default
Rule 2: Leave as Default
Configure the Course to send notifications to your aweber account
And, you’re done!